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Multi-Modal Transportation Planning

Comprehensive Transportation Planning

We have contributed to more than 10 comprehensive transportation plans that have guided strategic long-term transportation investment. Our tailored engagement support and land use planning expertise helps community members prioritize top needs and identify transportation solutions that are mindful of the broader context. Collecting input from a wide range of community members and facilitating the support and ownership of implementation partners has been a key focus of our role in recent projects.

Two Blue Cypress team members at a public meeting for the GHMPO Transportation Plan
A Blue Cypress Team Member working a table for input for the Forsyth County Transportation Plan
Folks reviewing input boards at a public meeting

Forsyth County Comprehensive
Transportation Plan

Henry County
Transportation Plan

Gainesville-Hall Metropolitan Planning Organization Regional Transportation Plan​

Safe Streets Initiatives

Planning for safe streets and zero roadway fatalities is an important national and international movement that we enthusiastically participate in. Blue Cypress employees and their families frequently travel by foot, bike, and transit. We leverage this firsthand experience to relate to the most vulnerable roadway users as we build engagement tools and strategies for public and stakeholder input. Our team excels in GIS data analysis, policy and implementation strategy frameworks, and meaningful community engagement, enabling us to contribute to safe streets projects in multiple ways. 

People talking a Decatur Safe Streets Action Plan Meeting
Input table for the City of Atlanta Vision Zero Action Plan
Roswell Road Corridor Map

City of Atlanta Vision Zero Action Plan

Roswell Road Access Management Plan

Decatur Safe Streets Action Plan

Transit Planning

We work with state, regional, and local agencies on transit plans and solutions that help communities establish strategies to address mobility gaps and improve levels of service. Our transit experience ranges from urban contexts with the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) and the Atlanta Transit Link Authority to suburban and rural contexts across Georgia. We are skilled at identifying insights from data, such as National Transit Database metrics, and working with transit agencies to identify service improvements to better support riders’ needs and, ultimately, help people get to where they need to go.

A Blue Cypress team member working an input table for the Newton County Transit Master Plan
Map of Georgia, highlighting regions where we've supported TFPs
A person getting on a "Connect Douglas" bus

Regional Transit Development Plans (Georgia Mountains, Northeast Georgia, River Valley)

Douglas County
Transit Master Plan

Newton County
Transit Master Plan

Trails Planning

With a growing portfolio of trails planning projects, our role has grown from leading public and stakeholder engagement to include providing expertise in aligning trails planning with existing and future land use. We synchronize technical work with outreach for a more intentional process that integrates community input and analysis to help align future development patterns along the trail network.

Tents and booths at a input event for the Fayette County Trails Master Plan
Folks at a public meeting for the DeKalb Trails and Greenway Master Plan
Paved trail in Henry County

DeKalb Trails
and Greenway
Master Plan

Henry County Comprehensive Transportation Plan & Trails Master Plan

Fayette County
Trails Master Plan

Mobility Program Development

Travel Demand Management (TDM) plays a pivotal role in shaping vibrant and sustainable communities. We are actively supporting the Atlanta Regional Commission's Georgia Commute Options program, collaborating closely with local public partners, including cities, counties, community improvement districts, and chambers of commerce. With our expertise in TDM strategies, we focus on developing tailored mobility programs, hand in hand with the partner, that address the unique needs and challenges of their community.

Multiple bikes lined up in a row
Team members riding bikes in the bike lane
ARC logo

Atlanta Regional Commission, Georgia Commute Options Program Implementation

Atlanta Regional Commission,
TDM Innovation & Equity Pilot Studies

City of Atlanta
Bikeshare Analysis

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