Comprehensive Planning
Future Land Use Plans
Quality future land use plans rely on a multi-pronged approach that marries community-based vision and priorities with a robust understanding of growth trends, development patterns, policy, and infrastructure. Our team offers unique expertise working with local communities on comprehensive plans, which focus on land use policy and guidance but account for the multidisciplinary nature of planning balanced communities. With each plan, we strive to meet the unique goals of each community as well as local, regional, and state planning goals and standards.
Brookhaven Bound for 2044 Comprehensive Plan
Foster Forsyth 2022 Comprehensive Plan Update
Greene County Comprehensive Plan Update
Small Area Studies
An important part of our work focuses on planning efforts that advance location specific goals, solutions, and partnerships. In small area planning, we collaborate with partners who specialize in real estate expertise, urban design, and mobility to develop action focused plans with the right expertise. Blue Cypress services include project management, stakeholder engagement, zoning policy, housing needs, and visioning.
Tyrone Town Center
Master Plan
Small Area Plan
Atlanta's The Stitch Civic Center
Station Planning Study
Implementation Support
Through decades of experience, we understand how to improve current conditions to achieve vision and goals. We are knowledgeable in identifying gaps and making recommendations for zoning, housing policy, sustainable development, and future land use policy.
Charleston Zoning Rewrite
Winston-Salem Easement Work
Atlanta's The Stitch Master Plan